The Castle. It's very famous. It's on Castle Rock. It's where the Scottish government used to be. Wherever he goes, he always goes to visit the local beauty spots and places of historical interest. 古堡。它非常著名。古堡坐落在古堡岩上,过去是苏格兰政府所在地。每到一个地方,他都要去看看当地的名胜古迹。
Today, kids want to be basketball stars, golfers like Tiger Woods, computer nerds, movie stare, rock stars, beauty queens, or traders on Wall Street. 所以现在的孩子们想成为篮球明星。像蒂格·伍兹那样的高尔夫球手、电脑虫、电影明星、摇滚明星、选美皇后或华尔街的交易员。
However, the return is your way of li waterfall, rock formations, Qi-Song and beauty. 不过,回报你的是一路上的丽瀑、怪石、奇松与美景。
Primitive rock with pure beauty, rich vitality displayed the artistic charm of unify in nature and harmony. 原始岩画具有单纯之美、富有生命力,表现了自然与和谐理念的艺术魅力。